Speed Limits

Speed Limits

Speed Limits

Do you realize that the same energy that you use to think of reasons why you can’t do something, could be spent actually doing it – or at least getting it started?  Babies, listen to me when I tell you that excuses will limit the speed at which you can move forward in life.

Making excuses is a waste of your time, child.  When your mouth starts to form limiting words, stop right there!  Actually, you really have no idea what your limits are until you try!

Don’t let fear, or anyone or anything hold you back.  Don’t you know that you are destined for greatness?  Well, if you didn’t know, now you do!  But, if you never get out there and start moving toward your dream, I guarantee you that you will not get to your destination.

Now, some of you will be starting school soon, some of you have finished school and are not sure what to do next, and some of you are thinking of going back to school. Whichever category you fall in, it’s that time of year for you to be thinking about your next move.

There are lots of options for you as you take the skills you’ve learned and go out into the world.  Trust me when I say this- the time will fly faster than you ever imagined.  Time is something that you can never get back.  Now you don’t want to get into the woulda coulda shoulda syndrome, because that could last the rest of your natural born life.

What you do want to do, is move forward with everything that you do.

Use your computer skills to research possibilities, set a goal, and then start working toward it.  You’d be surprised at how fast you can get to where you’re going.  Now I’m going to be sharing a lot of things with you on this subject, and I don’t want to get too long-winded here, but remember, time is precious.

This week, when you start to utter excuses why you can’t do something, stop and spend that time thinking of one small thing that you could do to move forward.  Don’t limit your speed with excuses, child.

Now I would love for this to be a conversation, so go ahead and make a comment, ask a question, or share something with me below.  And remember, God loves you, and so do I!

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