You’ve Been Preselected!

You’ve Been Preselected!

You’ve Been Preselected!

I was goin’ through my mail today, and came across an envelope that said “You’ve been preselected!”

Now, I get these things a few times a month, and I usually ignore them because they usually just represent another way to get into debt!  But this mornin’, it made me think of somethin’ else.

Did you know that YOU have been preselected?

There were many combinations of events and circumstances that led to your existence on this planet, and nobody has the exact combination that you do.  Even if you have a twin, chances are that the two of you are different in a lot of ways, although you may look the same on the outside.

Think about that for a minute.  There is nobody else on this planet who is just like you.

You’re unique.  You’re one of a kind.

You were given gifts that allow you to make a special contribution to the universe, and the world needs what you have to offer.

Now, I  know what you’re thinkin’.  “I’m too this, or I’m not enough that.”  Well, you need to know that those traits that you have, are a perfect combination!

Babies, don’t get caught up in comparin’ yourselves to other folks. It never turns out well, trust me.

Sure, you can have a role model or a mentor, but you are the only you that you have, and you have the power to be the best you possible.

You’ve been preselected for greatness, and you were born to make a special contribution to this world.  Go ahead and give yourself permission to believe it, because it’s true!

So today, I want you to own the fact that you have been preselected, and I want you to embrace all that you are.  Be YOU!

Now I want you to think of one thing that you have that is unique to you, and go ahead and tell me about it in the comments below.  I’d love to celebrate with you!

If you found this useful, go ahead and hit the “like” button, and leave a comment so I know you’ve been here.

And remember, God Loves You, and so do I!

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