Negativity Is Not Pretty

Negativity Is Not Pretty

Negativity Is Not Pretty

Babies, I’ve been scrolling through social media, and I noticed something.

Almost every single post, meme, share, and rant has negative stuff in it.

Now I know there are a lot of exceptions, but the majority of what I see is negative, and negativity is not pretty, child.

A negative attitude can change the way you look faster than a facelift!

Don’t you know that sharin’ a negative video or post just keeps it goin’, and makes some very foolish folks famous?

Instead, lets share somethin’ positive.

Let’s inspire others.

Let’s be a ray of light in the darkness.

Let’s blow up social media with love, babies!

Go to someone’s page and give them a compliment.  Find a loving meme and share it with everyone.

If someone does you wrong, pray for them instead of yellin’ (using all caps) at everybody  who sees your post in the newsfeed.  That’s no way to be.

This week, let’s try to spread the love everywhere we go, and that includes social media.  You’ll be amazed at how good it can make you – and everybody else – feel.

Negativity is not pretty.  Spread the love instead.  That’s my challenge to you for the week.

Have a blessed Sunday, and a blessed week!

If you found this useful, go ahead and hit the “like” button and leave a comment to let me know you were here.

And remember, God Loves You, and so do I1


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