Consider the Source

Consider the Source

Consider the Source

Babies, I often come to you with old sayings that I’ve heard over the years. These sayings carry on because there is truth in them.

My mother used to say, “consider the source.” Now, what it means, is that when you hear something from someone, you have to give some thought as to who is saying it.

You have to consider whether that person is trustworthy, honest, and fair. You already know that those words do not describe everyone in your life. People have their own reasons for saying what they say, whether it is to you – or about you.

When I hear something, do you want to know what I usually do? First, I take a moment to think about what is said, and then I consider who said it – the source.  If something doesn’t add up, I go to the very source, and get the real deal.

Now, it might take a while to sort through all of the “he said, she said” stuff, but the truth will eventually come to the surface.

Now I have to qualify something here.  If you go to someone accusing them of saying something bad about your or disrespecting you, not only will you not get the truth, but you get a lot more than you bargained for.

If you come at someone with attitude, their defenses will automatically get roused, and you will have a real fight on your hands.

Instead, strike up a conversation, and then tell them what you heard, but do it in a way that lets them know that you are concerned about your relationship with them, not your reputation.

You already know what is true and what isn’t when it comes to your personal life, but the sooner you can squash negative press, the better it will be for you and all concerned.  It’s the approach that is important.

Let me add a little something else here.  People ask me all the time how so-and-so feels about such-and-such, and I always tell them to ask so-and-so, because they are the ones who can truly answer that question.

See, Babies, it’s also best to go to the source if you have a problem or issue with someone. Sometimes you don’t really need a mediator, or a self-proclaimed person who says they have your best interest at heart.

The truth is, sometimes they don’t.  Sometimes, they just want to be all up in your business, or they want or need to feel like they’re important.  See, I’ve learned that people are always going to do what they feel they have to do, you can trust me on that one.

So, what I’m saying to you today, is consider the source. Give what you hear a chance to sink in before you make judgements, or act or react in a certain way. Waiting and then going to the source will be time well-spent.  Just that little thing can bring people together, rather than tearing them apart.

Remember that the truth will eventually come out, and remember that God loves you, and so do I.

One thought on “Consider the Source

  1. sdorttuiiplmnr

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