Welcome to the Table

Welcome to the Table

Welcome to the Table

Back in the day, the kitchen table was the gatherin’ place not only for meals, but for heart-to-heart talks and instruction.  Now I think it’s high time to bring that back, so come on in, grab a sweet tea, and lend an ear.

Now, I’ll be talkin’ to young and old alike, and I’ll be tellin’ it like it T-I-S, with love!

Now I realize that everything ain’t for everybody, so go ahead and eat the fish and leave the bones.  In other words, take what you need, and leave the rest.

It’s like when you go to church and listen to the sermon.  Some of it is for you, and some of it isn’t.  If you go lookin’ to be “fed,” you will always come away with somethin’, if you have an open mind and heart.

If you have a closed mind and heart, you might hear somethin’ and take offense at it, and become all upset, and want to lash back at somebody.

Now I need to tell you, that’s no way to be.  That will not give you the food that you need to make your life better.

So, my advice to you, is to always come here to Gramma’s Kitchen with an open mind and an open heart.  That way, you just might find somethin’ that resonates with you in your spirit.

It might be somethin’ that you know deep down inside that you needed to hear.  It might be somethin’ that you heard before, and this is givin’ you confirmation.  Or, it might be somethin’ that you feel like you want to share with family and friends.  Please do, but do it with love.

Now, let me tell you right now, that I don’t have all the answers, but I have been around the block a few times. Heck, I made it through nearly 60 years of life without any major injuries, without bein’ fired from a job, and without spendin’ one single second in jail.

That doesn’t mean that I never did anything wrong.  Gramma was young too!  It does mean that I’ve done my best to treat myself and other folks with respect and love.  I pray that you will do the same.

So come on by whenever you want, and bring some friends with you, cause Gramma loves everybody!

Come on back soon, and go ahead and “like” this post so I know you were here!